Monday, 24 September 2012

Shooting The Prelim

In our class we were split up into three groups. In my group there were five of us and we had to come up with a scene and a setting for a prelim script that adam had set us. We decided to do a western scene so on Thursday the 20th of september, our shooting day, Adam brought in some props for us to use to set the scene of a western setting. The props were 2 cowboy hats, a whiskey bottle and 2 shot glasses.

We chose to use cowboy hats as they are a very identifiable signifier from a very well know genre.  We  told to work up in the editing swept, wehe we set up our props. 

Luca- Cowboy1
Bella- Cowboy2
Elisia- Continuity girl
Ivo- Camera man

We shot a few practice shots without recording just to get a glimpse of what the scene would look like. this is the script to the left. we had to act this out and film it. our croup consisted of 2 actors, a camera man (me), a continuity girl and a director. 

The shot in the script was a wide shot. the wide is a great scene for setting the scene. it is also great for cutting back to throughout out the the prelim.
we shot they whole scene in the wide shot to start with so that we could cut back to it. We then moved the camera over the Cowboy2's shoulder as in the the script.  We were aware of the 180° Rule, shoulder to shoulder in abiding the 180° Rule.

The script was great for a practice session for shooting. we just had to film the scenes. We didn't have to worry about script at all.

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