Friday, 4 October 2013

The story board and organisation

This week we have completed our story board for our video and drawn all our ideas down so we have a rough visual image here are the pictures.
These first few scenes are shots of the lab equipment, lots of different chemicals mixing around to create a bubbling effect. For the video we are thinking about using bicarbonate soda and vinegar to create a eruption, we are going to use dry ice to get the steam effect of the chemicals, we can get dry ice off the drama department
This is some of the shots of Gil on the decks, who is our dj. I have the decks at my house which is 2 turntables and a mixer, I shall bring these in on the day, I have also ordered the bright yellow jump suit and the chemical gas mask. Here is the link

Gas mask

The gas mask is a chemical gas mask and a cheap one so that it gives a off a very dingy look

For these shot we want the chemicals to be reacting and then we want steam to come out by using dry ice and the use the steam to fill up the screen and then act as a transition shot onto the boy going crazy on the chalk board

When the screen fills up with steam we want to editi the shot so that we have a face poking through and lip syncing the words, "dexter is criminally insane" also at the end of the first verse there is a bomb sound that goes off and for this shot we want to use a very old recording of a nucular bomb testing.

At the Beginning of our video there is the sound of galloping and we want to use an old tv advert of a boy on a a rocking horse as in the. Keep we have a theme of toys showing through out as there is a lipsync performance of a head poking out through toys, 
There dunce is relates to the criminally insane boy scribbling on the chalk board. There is then shots of him sitting in the corner of the room with a dunce hat on. The shots cut away and back to this shot throughout the first verse the dunce hat will get bigger in each shot until
It eventually takes over him
And then he starts jumping around the room when the third verse drops. We have organised the dunce hats and we are asking the art department for detailes as we are going to construct them outselves,

Throughout our thriller we are going to have  these detectives sneaking about following the narrative, the boy while scribbles on the board, throughout the video we are
Going to have him roaming about a house reacting very wierd to this drug as the detectives Follow him it is his imagination 

In the back ground of the dunce scene we are going to have more graphite being added when the camera cuts back to it.

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